iFoG Testimonials


Christine's Testimony

My name is Christine and my journey with Fibromyalgia became painfully evident nearly seven years ago. I was an extremely energetic person, one would say I was actually quite hyper. Little did I know that the pain that started developing in my feet would only be the beginning stages of a disease that would attempt to strip me of my bountiful energy and active life. more...


Maylene's Testimony

Hi my name is Maylene,

Where do I being for according to my mother I have had pains all my life. Since I was a little girl till now. And one Dr. told my mother to take me to a psychiatrist for they think that it is all in my head. I have been in and out of the hospital emergencies room as far as I can remember. more...


Vicki's Testimony

Oh shoots! Everyone has heard my story, right, gang? Ok, one more time:

Once upon a time...

I moved to Hawaii a little more than 4 years ago because I was sure I was dying and I wanted to be in a beautiful place during my time left on earth. I felt horrible, wasn't able to work any longer, and had just been bitten badly by my sister's dog in the face (so I must have looked like death warmed over!). Figured I could be on disability on the mainland or here. I chose here! more...


Kevin's Testimony

Dear Annette:

Sorry for writing this testimony so late. Thanks again for reminding me about my one year anniversary on GUAI. This year has gone so quickly, I never dreamed it possible. Thank you so much for introducing me to GUAI and for all the support you have given me. I wouldn't have survived without you and words cannot describe how much I appreciate what you have done for me. Here is my testimony: more...


Raedeen's Testimony

Hi Annette,

Good to talk with you the other day. I got to think that it probably would be good to submit a progress report, so here it is! Feel free to share with anyone whom you think might benefit.

I started taking guai on October 10, 2001 (300 mg/twice a day). I increased to 600 mg/twice a day on October 17, 2001. On January 27, 2002, I increased my dose to 900 mg/twice a day and from my last mapping, determined this is my cycling dose. more...


Hope's Testimony

Hi Annette and guais,

My name is Hope, a senior who, I think, has a few more good years left, thanks to Annette, the Dr. St. Amand and the drug, guaifenesin. For the past 50 years, I have not felt as good as I do today--and I have been on guaifenesin only for the past 9 months. My health is gradually being restored and I do know that if one follows the Protocol diligently, one will definitely get better. more...


Jenny's Testimony

Saw Dr.St Amand last month. He was so nice and warm and kind-hearted. Not at all what I expected, so I was very pleasantly surprised.

So, finally after almost 5 months, I am having good days. Phenomenal days, actually. I am back in the gym, doing 30 min of cardio a day (baby steps, I will get back up to 60 min soon), the house is FINALLY really clean (so relieved I can be my anally clean self again), and I am no longer taking narcotic pain killers. more...


Patrick's Testimony

Hello to Annette and group members,

I am sorry that I could not be present for this special occasion, but I am definitely with the group in spirit. The Guai protocol has helped me beyond all belief and I owe my life to Dr. St. Amand, Miki, Annette and the rest of the group. I am now an international purser with Northwest Airlines who coordinates services on the aircraft and takes charge if in-flight emergencies occur. Before I found the group, I was mentally incapacitated and was ridden with pain. more...


Moana's Testimony

Hello Annette,

I know I haven't been to a lot of meetings lately, but there is never a day goes by that I am thankful I found you and Vicki and all the wonderful people of the support group. Well since a year ago when I telephoned you, frustrated out of my mind and looking for answers to what can help me get rid of the pain and all the yucky symptoms of fibromyalgia, I have been able to sleep through the night without getting up 5 to 6 times to use the bathroom, I no longer have swelling in my feet and hands on a daily basis, I hardly have my virtigo symptoms (which I used to have daily), I can work and latley I have been delivering the Hawaiian Tel Phone Books (I could have never done that a year ago), I love to go fishing and hiking and I can do everything I used to do. more...


Sally's Testimony

It all began for me in 2003. Susie, one of the original members is a close friend of mine from church but knew me well enough in a Bible study to one day come to me and say "you're not yourself, you don't look good and you're a very athletic, outgoing person but what's going on in your life because something's not right." And I said, "Oh, you're right. My life is a mess because I'm in pain and I've had to let go of all of my activities. I had to let my tennis go, just started taking golf and my "aha" moment was that my 80 yr old mother and I, who was in my early 50's at the time was walking a golf cart uphill playing golf, went home and cooked dinner. I went home and went to bed. What's wrong with this picture? more...


Andrea's Testimony

The first 20 years of my life were pretty normal. I was healthy and active and did well in school. I didn't even know that fibromyalgia existed. My fibromyalgia materialized during college when I was 20 (in 2003). I was always on the go and rarely slept. I was busy with classes, sports, work, and student organizations. When I finished an extremely hectic and stressful semester I was exhausted. I slept a lot and had little energy. Soon I began sleeping excessively and was tired all the time. I could still go running, but had to sleep for hours afterwards. As the summer progressed, I slept more and more, resulting in less and less energy. Sleep was no longer providing me the rest I needed. more...


Becerly's Testimony (Copyright © 2014)

I started the Guaifenesin Protocol in 2002 at age 65. I felt I had no choice. My family lives to almost age 90. I didn't want to look forward to decades of pain... probably in a wheelchair with a Swiss cheese for a brain. more...


Beverly's Testimony

I started the protocol last year at 70 years old! I have done so well. I had a couple of bad weeks in January, but since I am having five good and 2 bad days a week. It is amazing. I have been cleaning, shopping, cooking, I can think and all the "normal" things. Last year this time is when I had been in bed for 6 weeks and started searching for a new doctor and found you. A blessing. more...


Taylor's Testimony (as told by her dad)

Hi Annette,

I just wanted to thank you so much for your website. The testimonies on there have helped tremendously while I was starting my daughter on the Guai Treatment. more...


"Caution! Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter May Block!" - Anonymous Testimony

"Caution! Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter May Block!"

Note by Annette: We have been receiving notices from folks who were using products with Shea and Cocoa Butter that there are signs of blocking. After removing the questionable product from their daily regime, these folks report a return to normal clearing. The following is a testimony from one of these folks. This person, who lives on the mainland, contacted us after going backward on the protocol and finding the newbie packet information on our website.

Could Soap Bar Containing Shea Butter be a Possible Blocker? (by Anonymous on the mainland)

I initially cleared very rapidly while exclusively using a salicylate free liquid soap. A few years later, I purchased soap bars with shea butter listed as the sixth ingredient. I bought these bars primarily to use on airplane trips. However, I also used these soap bars at home very sparingly (no more than two or three times a day just to wash my hands) for about two and a half years. One bar would last me for about two months (please note that my primary soap which I used for bathing and most hand washing was the salicylate free liquid soap which I had used exclusively when I initially cleared successfully). more...


Deborah's Testimony

I have been doing great considering how I was in 2015. When we first moved to the island of Hawaii in 2016, we began renovating my sister in-laws house on the inside. In 2017 my husband and I built a hale for my sister in-law to sell crafts. No easy task as my husband does construction the right way, always, to code. I think everything he builds will last for all time. Lol. more...


Steven's Testimony

My fibromyalgia started at the age of twelve when I was misdiagnosed as having rheumatic fever. For the next two years I ran a light fever, was extremely tired, felt lethargic and was bedridden with constant muscle aches and intermittent sharp pains. My thought process was foggy at best. Growth pains and hormones run amuck I was told. more...


Caroline's Testimony

I hate the word, I hate the syndrome, I hate what it did to me for so many years. Going to so many different Doctors for first a sore shoulder, then endometriosis pains and the horrible periods, then sore feet - bottoms like walking on hot nails, then muscle pains, then reflux and IBS, then allergy/ sinus problems, the itchy skin, but always the sometimes overwhelming tiredness - "you're low on iron" they said! All from fibro!!! Imagine that! Feeling sick a lot... more...


Laurie's Testimony

Eight years ago, prior to moving back to Hawaii, I was researching motorized wheelchairs so I could get around more easily. Some days I could only walk 1/2 block and I needed to rest. I have been on the guaifenesin protocol for 7 years now, and last May my husband and I fulfilled a bucket-list dream trip to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands! I walked an average of 12,000-14,000 steps per day. I was able to deal with the high altitudes of the Andes mountains (7000-14,000 ft) without any headaches (I suffer from chronic migraines in addition to fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and Meniere's disease)... more...


Evan's Testimony (as told by his dad)

My son Evan is getting off Hospital:Homebound Virtual School and starting high school this year. He was accepted into the Beta Engineering Academy and the Collegiate Program, as a freshman. It's freakin amazing. A year ago my kids couldn't get out of bed. I honestly just donated Evan's wheelchair because I never want to see it again... more...


Stephanie's Testimony

As a teen and young adult, I envied my energetic sisters and friends. They engaged in extracurricular activities and worked in addition to their usual daily activities. My schedule required allocating time to my daily activities which included sleep from 9:00 p.m. to at least 6:00 a.m. Unlike my peers that studied all night for exams, my studies were well-planned within a strategic schedule. More of the same ruled my career as special education educator... more...


Michelle's Testimony (as told in a letter to Dr. St. Amand)

Dr. St. Amand,

This photo is the culmination of many months of planning and one very long week! This is the photo of one very happy ‘Mother of the Bride’! The thumbs up is significant of many things, including being on your protocol for Fibromyalgia and finding a way to go back to living my life without pain and having the stamina to work as a full time Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse! Thank you for perseverance over the years and continuing to believe in your research and dreams to help your patients to be the best we can be!... more...


Bobbie's Testimony (a letter)

OK, where do I begin...

Mid-Jan. 2000 I was 37 years old. I was under extreme stress and suffered 3 mild TIA's which was only diagnosed after 4 doctors and finally an MRI after over a month of wanting it to be just vertigo... more...