The Story Behind iFoG


Annette and iFoG...

After over 15 years of fatigue, pain and other debilitating symptoms, Annette Kam, RN was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1998. Searching for answers for relief for another 2 years after trying mainstream treatments, she found Dr. R. Paul St. Amand's Guaifenesin Protocol on the internet and convinced her rheumatologist to allow her to try it. Within 5 months, she progressed to the point of being able to go from a limping nurse to climbing the Great Wall of China and 1 year later, participated in a national tennis tournament. Her physician started referring patients to her to assist with the educational piece and that was the start of the current Oahu support group called, "iFoG", acronym for informed Fibromyalgics on Guaifenesin. This was in April, 2001.

Since then, iFoG has witnessed miracle after miracle of fibromyalgic sufferers reclaiming their lives. We have seen members being bedridden able to go back to school or work. We have had over 1,400 referrals from physicians, other medical disciplines or through word of mouth and have been able to assist over 400 members locally. We have also had impact in 22 other states and 6 countries on a small scale. On November 10, 2003, iFoG was granted a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax exempt status.


(NOTE: Annette Kam retired from Kapiolani Medical Center in 2015.)

Dr. St. Amand

R. Paul St. Amand, M.D.

His book that changed our lives...

Dr. St. Amand's Book

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  • From Dr. St. Amand's Site. When you purchase from Dr. St. Amand's site, profits support efforts by the Fibromyalgia Treatment Center to generate research, educational, and development funds, including the City of Hope study.